Being a member of our Customer Committee offers you the opportunity to make a difference.

You are encouraged to share your views and opinions on things that matter to our customers. You are representing the people who use our services and live in our homes. You are helping to create better futures and vibrant communities for those around us.

We rely on our customer committee to help make sure that the customer is at the heart of the decisions that we make, the services that we offer and the way we do things.

Our Customer Committee is very important to us.

What we expect of our committee members

We want you to share your views in meetings. We want to hear what you have to say so it’s important you speak up and let us know what you think.

We welcome challenge from all of our members, but it’s also important that we have good working relationships between members, the Chair of the committee, our management team and employees.

We want to be challenged, respectfully of course! Your role is to make sure that we’ve considered the impact of what we do on customers and that means challenging us sometimes, questioning plans and making sure we’ve considered every option. This is a safe space!

The specifics

You’ll be involved in challenging the way we do things. That means looking at customer related policies, raising questions or concerns and approving them when you’re happy with them.

You’ll have a voice and we want to hear it. All of our members are expected to tell us what they think and act in a professional and responsible way. We do have a Code of Conduct which we expect everyone to respect and act within for the benefit of yourself and other members.

You’ll have a vote. Sometimes we have decisions that we need members to vote on in line with the Terms of Reference for the committee. Your vote should be used responsibly to make a difference.

We care about your development and supporting you to be the best committee member you can be. So we hold individual support meetings with all committee members to talk about how the committee is performing and any development support or training that you need.

You’ll represent the organisation. There are times when we’d like you to go to events or meetings to represent the committee. The Chair will speak to you about what these are and when you’ll be needed.

We’d like you to share your knowledge and information with the committee. Where something affects or benefits our customers, we’d love to know about it so sharing with the committee is essential.

How much of your time do we need?

We hold four Customer Committee meetings a year and we’d like you to attend in person if you can. There’s a lot to gain from meeting other members and building great working relationships. If you can’t always make it, don’t worry, we have the technology to involve you wherever you are.

We are committed to your development and we expect you to be too. That means there will be training, workshops and other learning opportunities from time to time.

Outside of meetings we will usually get in touch by email or phone about anything you need to know.