Please answer all questions providing as much information as possible. Progress on the form can’t be saved so we recommend checking through the form and planning your application before filling it in.

For more information, please see our grants and funding page or our FAQs page. 

You will receive an email confirmation within 24 hours of sending us your application.

If you don’t receive a confirmation email, please check your junk or spam folder.

If you require support with completing this form or with submitting quotes and ID, please contact the Customer Insight Team on 01977 788758, or email [email protected].

PLEASE NOTE: After submitting your application, you will have 14 days to email us two forms of ID and three quotes (one for your preferred course provider as well as two comparison quotes from alternative course providers) for courses where there is more than one course provider available in your local area or online. If we don't receive quotes or ID within this time frame your application will be cancelled.

Your details

Please enter your house number, street name and town or city
This is an opportunity for you to give us background into your living situation so the panel will understand how much the grant award will benefit you when considering your application. For the best chance of being awarded a grant, please give us as much relevant information as possible.
How much are you applying for, including VAT? The maximum we can award is £1,500 so the amount must be equal to or lower than this.

Preferred course

Other Item 1 - Where applications for multiple courses are made, we may only fund some of these. This is to ensure the grant funding is distributed more widely throughout the district and to a range of local course providers.

Other Item 2

Other Item 3

Other Item 4

Is the total cost of the project greater than the amount applied for from the grant? *
Have you received any grants / donations from WDH in the last three years? *
WDH will only process your personal data for the purpose of your application and will hold your information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 (including the General Data Protection Regulation) ( Sensitive personal data such as racial or ethnic origin, and physical and mental disabilities are requested for the purposes of Equal Opportunities Monitoring.
Are you, or any of your close relations, a WDH Board member or employee? *


Further information

How would you describe your ethnic origin?
How would you describe your religion?
What was your sex assigned at birth?
Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?
How would you describe your sexual orientation?
Are you, or any member of your household, registered disabled?
Please remember that to complete your application you must email [email protected] with quotes and ID within 14 days