Making adaptations to your home 

We work with Wakefield Council to provide minor and major adaptations for our tenants and permanent members of their household; those who are 18 years old and over and who have lived in the property for over six months. 

If you or a family member have a disability or a long-term medical condition that makes it difficult to carry out everyday tasks such as climbing stairs or having a bath, we may be able to help you continue to live independently by adapting your home. 

Children under 18 will be assessed by NHS Paediatric Services and any recommendations for adaptations will be dealt with by Wakefield Council's Adaptations Service 

If you are a private tenant or owner occupier, you should contact your local authority for more information.   

Below is a handy guide with further information on the services provided by WDH, Wakefield Council and NHS services. To discuss your adaptation needs further, please contact the relevant service who will be happy to assist you. 

Health and Medical Rehousing 

We work closely with Wakefield Council to provide assessments for a move on health and medical grounds. 

To be eligible for a move under Health and Medical Rehousing you need to be a current Homesearch member and meet the criteria, as explained in the Health and Medical Rehousing Policy. If after reading this document and you have a physical disability or a long term physical medical condition that significantly affects your ability to access your bathroom, toilet or bedroom and you think a move to an adapted property will help you live more independently and safely, please complete the enquiry form which can be accessed here: Adaptations or Health and Medical Rehousing Enquiry

If you meet the criteria you will be sent an application form asking you for more information about how your disability or long term medical condition affects your daily living. Our Adaptations team will review the information you provide and update you on the progress of your application. 

Where an assessment is required due to mental health reasons, for children under 18, or in cases of homelessness, these applications are considered by Wakefield Council. You can reach the Housing Needs Service on 01924 304359. 


Assessments for children (under 18 years) 

Responsibility for assessment 

Local Authority, for example Wakefield Council’s Adaptations Service or Allocated Pediatric Occupational Therapist. 

Major adaptations

For example:                                    

  • Ramping 

  • Level access bathing facilities                                               

  • Crossover/hardstandings 

Responsibility for assessment 

Wakefield Council’s Adaptations Service 
(bathing assessment required prior to referral) Call 01977 722 220 

Major adaptations requiring assessment for DFG (Disabled Facilities Grants)  

Responsibility for assessment

For tenants living outside of the Wakefield district please contact your Local Authority.

Wakefield Council assess for DFG's for tenants living in the Wakefield district. 

Electromechanical equipment

Including but not limited to: 

  • Ceiling track hoist.    

  • Stairlift. 

  • Through floor lift

  • Bio bidet.          

Responsibility for assessment 

Wakefield Council’s Adaptations Service. Call 01977 722 220. 

For tenants living outside of the Wakefield district please contact your Local Authority. 

Social Care Direct
  • Moving and Handling issues.       

  • Equipment provision to promote independence, including bathing assessments.                                    

  • Care needs assessments.

Responsibility for assessment 

Social Care Direct, call 0345 8 503 503. 

For tenants living outside of the Wakefield district, please contact your Local Authority. 

Minor adaptations and WDH Health and Medical Rehousing Assessment

Including but not limited to: 

  • Step adaptations.                                                                  

  • Grab rails and handrails to access bathing and toileting areas.

  • Additional stair rails.

Responsibility for assessment 

WDH’s Adaptations Team, call 01977 724 460 (for customers over 18 years). We offer a call back service if our lines are busy, please choose option 1 when prompted. 

Reduced Mobility and Falls
  • Prevent admission and facilitate discharge from hospital.

  • People who have falls which are not MSK related.             

  • Rehabilitation for patients that have had an exacerbation of illness/injury and have reduction in function. 

Responsibility for assessment 

Mid Yorkshire Therapy NHS, call 01977 747 471.  

Self-referral or GP Referral 

For tenants living outside of the Wakefield district please contact your Local NHS Trust. 

Wheelchair request 

Please contact your GP.