Our tenants and customers are at the heart of everything we do and our vision to create confident communities means that we deliver over and above the role of a traditional landlord. With our 2025 milestone 'making real change through social outcomes,' we want to continue to build on our strong foundations and deliver quality, inclusive services that will have a positive impact. 

Our Business Strategy sets out our priorities and targets, that we will work towards and help us achieve our 2025 milestone.  

To achieve our 2025 milestone, we have set the following priorities aligned to our four strategic objectives. 

Strategic Objectives 

2025 Milestone priorities 

To be a landlord of choice by putting the customer first. 

Customer excellence 
Providing high quality, value for money, tenant shaped services. 

Health, wellbeing and support 
Supporting our tenants to maintain successful tenancies and healthy lives. 

To be a partner of choice to create better places to live. 

New homes and growth 
Increasing access to high quality affordable housing. 

High quality homes and neighbourhoods 
Meeting the highest standards of safety and repair and regenerating communities. 

To be a positive force of leadership to develop the potential of people. 

Skills and enterprise 
Supporting tenants and communities to achieve their aspirations and ambitions. 

Workforce of the future 
Ensuring a highly skilled, capable and resilient workforce. 

To be a well managed and well governed business. 

Business of the future 
Being a fit for purpose, forward looking business. 

Greener business 
Being responsive to climate change. 

Read our 2025 Business Strategy
