WDH Corporate Management Team

Our Corporate Management Team (CMT) is responsible for directing the organisation within the boundaries agreed by the Board, through its Standing Orders and the Financial Regulations and Delegation Framework (FRDF).

Andy Wallhead (418 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Andrew Wallhead

Chief Executive 

Martyn Shaw (439 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Martyn Shaw

Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Technical Services  

Sarah Roxby (First Choice Feb 2024)

Sarah Roxby

Executive Director of Housing 

Tracy Tallant (404 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Tracy Tallant

Director of Organisational Development

Neil Warren (407 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Neil Warren

Executive Director of Resources 

Sue Young (Preferred Picture Feb 2024)

Sue Young

Executive Director of Investment 

WDH Board 

Our Board is responsible for setting our overall strategy, deciding policies and reviewing performance. It is legally accountable for the ownership of our homes and running the organisation. Our Board members change from time to time.

The Board has several committees which meet the requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing and can find out more about these below. 

Andrew Mcconnell (463 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Andrew McConnell

Board Chair

Ajman Ali (461 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Ajman Ali

Elizabeth Cook (Preferred Photo 1 Feb 2024)

Elizabeth Cook

Senior Independent Director and Governance Committee Chair

Stephen Davis(Preferred Photo Feb 24)

Stephen Davis

Property Investment Committee Chair 

Michael Graham (486 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Michael Graham

Suzan Harrington (479 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Suzan Harrington

Photo of Shendi Keshet, Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee Chair.

Shendi Keshet

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee Chair

Clare King (477 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Clare King

Customer Committee Chair 

Mike Longfellow (464 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Mike Longfellow

Gareth Mann Tighe (478 Sf Wdh Website Lifestyle February 2024)

Gareth Mann-Tighe

Photo of Antony Nelson, WDH Board Member.

Antony Nelson

Our Board Committees

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee

This Committee considers all matters relating to the audit activities of WDH and in particular any duties and requirements set out in any guidance and policies issued by the Regulator of Social Housing and the Charity Commission's Hallmarks of an Effective Charity.

Committee members: Ajman Ali, Suzan Harrington, Shendi Keshet, Clare King. 

Property Investment Committee

The main role of this Committee is to consider matters relating to asset management, including how we will maintain and improve assets through compliance, replacement and regeneration, all non-social housing activities, and all new build and development matters. The Committee also looks at how we will deliver our obligations against Homes England grant funding programmes and scrutinises performance of existing activities.

Committee members: Ajman Ali, Elizabeth Cook, Stephen Davis, Andrew McConnell.

Customer Committee

Our Customer Committee considers matters relating to operational activities, including housing management, to meet our Vision and Values and to ensure compliance with the requirements set out by the Regulator of Social Housing. 

Committee members: Michael Graham, Clare King, Gareth Mann-Tighe, Antony Nelson.

Governance and People Committee

This Committee considers all matters relating to governance, Board and organisational development, including how we ensure effective leadership and employee resourcing. It meets requirements set by the Regulator of Social Housing and those related to equality, diversity and inclusion, employee health and safety and safeguarding.

Committee members: Elizabeth Cook, Stephen Davis, Suzan Harrington, Andrew McConnell. 

How are decisions made?

Our Corporate Management Team is responsible for managing us within the rules and policies agreed by the Board.

Our Board
We are registered with the Regulator of Social Housing, which regulates independent housing organisations throughout the country. We meet the Regulator of Social Housing’s registration conditions and keep to its regulatory code.  This makes sure that we are run well and gives you services which are managed properly.

Our Board is legally accountable for the ownership of our properties and has overall responsibility for running the organisation.  It agrees our strategies and policies, and our overall service development and sets the strategic direction for the organisation.  Our Board is made up of between seven and 11 members, chosen for their particular skills, knowledge and experience to ensure we have a strong and effective Board. 

Neighbourhood Panels
There are seven Neighbourhood Panels, one for each neighbourhood in the Wakefield district. Panels are made up of tenants and community representatives. Each panel is chaired by a tenant and the seven panel chairs are also members of the Customer Committee, which is a subcommittee of the Board.

The Neighbourhood Panels help to determine local priorities and contribute to the development, implementation and challenge of local plans and engagement strategies.

Who can be a Board or Neighbourhood Panel Member? 
Our Board and Neighbourhood Panels aim to make sure local people are directly involved in identifying priorities for their area and providing local solutions to local issues.

We need to have the right people helping us make decisions, so we are very thorough when choosing Board and Panel members and have a rigorous recruitment and selection process for new members of the Board and Neighbourhood Panels. Wakefield Council nominates its Neighbourhood Panel representatives based on their relevant skills and experience. To encourage other local people to become involved, we advertise locally and nationally when Board vacancies become available.

Find out more about getting involved