Diversity and inclusion are fundamental to WDH. 

We will always strive to be better and do better. As part of this drive, we have set ourselves bold equality, diversity and inclusion aspirations, which can be found in our Diversity and inclusion policy 

  • Equality, Diversity, Inclusion

    Read our Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report

    We’re working hard to be a more diverse and inclusive organisation and we are proud of what we have achieved so far. If you would like to read more about this year's work, please read our annual diversity and inclusion report.

    Read the report

When we’re looking for new colleagues to join us, we ensure our recruitment process is fair and inclusive, with no barriers. This helps us to ensure our workforce is representative of the diverse communities we serve.  

We aim to empower tenants to share their ideas and suggestions. If you would like to get involved in our equality, diversity and inclusion projects or if you would simply like to share an idea or suggestion, please email us at diversityandinclusion@wdh.co.uk.

What our colleagues say… 

Eileen Lewis, Diversity and Inclusion Business Partner, joined WDH in 2024. She said: “The simplified process of joining WDH was nothing short of remarkable - one application, one interview with a diverse panel and no barriers - which left me feeling instantly valued and a heartfelt sense of belonging. I’m super excited to be in this position where I can bring my whole self to work and continue to use my passion and enthusiasm to drive forward equality and equity for all.”