We're pleased to share our new Customer Charter, setting out our commitment to excellent customer service. In here you’ll also find lots of useful information on the services we offer to help you to live in a confident, thriving community.

We’d love you to get involved in shaping our services so please scan the QR code on the back of this booklet or visit www.wdh.co.uk/getinvolved to see all the ways you can contribute to making WDH work for you and your neighbours.

Our Vision is to create confident communities and our Customer Charter sets out our commitments to you.

In return, we ask you to:

  • Treat our employees with courtesy and respect.

  • Treat your home with respect.

  • Provide any information and the access we need to provide services to you quickly and efficiently.

  • Tell us if you need help or support with your tenancy.

Charter Relationships


We will always treat you with respect. Our relationship with you will be honest and transparent and we will keep any information we hold about you safe.

Charter Communication


We will give you important information about your home and community clearly, accessibly and when you need it. We will let you know about our services and how we’re performing, how WDH is run and how we continue to improve.

Charter Voice

Voice and influence

We really value your feedback so we will give you opportunities to share your views and help improve  services. This information is important as it helps us to make decisions that affect you. 

Charter Accountability


We will provide opportunities for you to scrutinise our services and hold us to account for the services we provide and the quality of your home.

Charter Quality


We will provide you with a quality, well maintained, safe and well managed home.

Charter Wrong

When things go wrong

We will provide advice and support, and have a simple, accessible Complaints Policy and Procedure in place, so complaints are resolved quickly, consistently and fairly.

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These are our service standards, they are part of our Customer Charter and tell you what you can expect when you contact us.

  • Fair treatment is important to us so we will measure and report on how many tenants feel they are treated fairly and with respect as part of our annual tenant survey.
  • We want your input so, to ensure we are offering customers the opportunity to get involved and shape our services in the most effective way, we will get external verification from Tpas. Tpas is an independent, evidence-based scheme that assesses our resident involvement arrangements.
Charter Relationships (1)
  • Unless defined differently in a published policy, our response times are as follows:

    100% of emails and letters will receive a response within seven working days.

    100% of social media contacts will be acknowledged within one working day.

  • We will send out a monthly newsletter by email containing key information about how we are performing. You can register to receive this on our website: www.wdh.co.uk/tenant
Charter Communication (1)
Voice and influence
  • To keep a check on how satisfied you are with our service, we will carry out a tenant survey every year. We’ll also look into our services and invite you to give feedback in other ways from time to time.
  • Our Customer Panel will scrutinise our services and recommend improvements.
Charter Voice (1)
  • We will publish an annual update on how we’re performing against our priorities and our regulator’s tenant satisfaction measures.
Charter Accountability (1)
  • All emergency repairs will be responded to within 24 hours.
  • An annual gas safety check will be carried out on 100% of homes with a gas supply.
  • We will confirm if you have been given permission for home improvements within 20 working days.
Charter Quality (1)
When things go wrong
  • 100% of complaints will be responded to in line with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code.
  • Complaints will be managed in line with guidance from the Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS), data protection legislation and our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
Charter Wrong (1)

A pdf version is also available using the link Customer Charter